Meet the Team

Sarang Joshi
Executive Director: Programs

Reva Kane
Executive Director: Programs

Sowmya Magham
Executive Director: External

Esha More
Executive Director: Internal

Senior Advisor

Executive Director: Programs
Executive Director: Programs
Executive Director: External
Executive Director: Internal
Senior Advisor
As a Call Pal you will help students improve their verbal English and professional skills. This is a great opportunity for those with a flexible schedule.
Apply and become a Call Pal today!
Responsibilities Include:
Program Requirements:
An ideal candidate should be fluent in English and be a senior in high school or above.
As a Video Tutor you will get to directly interact with students and give them the tools they need to be successful in their careers. The topics covered in these classes include English, leadership, and career-building. All necessary materials and training will be provided to tutors.
Apply and become a Tutor today!
Responsibilities Include:
Program Requirements:
An ideal candidate should be passionate about teaching and have knowledge in either English, Leadership, or Career Building
Kinspire's Portal is a desktop/mobile application to help students stay connected with learning materials and continue to reinforce the skills they are learning and working on in school and Kinspire's video tutoring lessons.
Responsibilities Include (depending on experience):
Creation of new content (curriculum, games, stories etc.)
Conducting application maintenance
Monthly check-ins
Program Requirements:
Comprehension in JavaScript, React, PHP
2-3 hours weekly commitment
Preferred Qualifications:
Understanding of the general User Experience principles
Some knowledge of the Moodle platform
As a Kinspire Scholars Mentor you will work directly with students under the Kinspire Scholars Program and guide them as they navigate through their professional fields.
Apply and become a Mentor today!
Responsibilities Include:
Program Requirements:
An ideal candidate should be an effective communicator and take initiative.